Strengths, Challenges and Finding Support

I have to admit that when it comes technology, I am not well versed in the science. I am fully capable and equipped to use Microsoft, PowerPoint, email services and all the other “basics” that are involved with using a computer. Recently (over the past year), I began using Google Classroom where I am sufficient enough to get by but by no means do I know all the “ins and outs” of the software. Beyond that, my knowledge is very limited. This may be because I have never had to really use technology in my classrooms. For most of my career I have predominantly taught Physical Education where technology (until now) has not been used very much. I also believe that my lack knowledge has grown from my fear on not understanding anything beyond the basics. In fact, as I begin to talk about my (lack of) strengths and weakness I am getting a little anxious because I feel like I am well behind and know nothing. I find that I can get discouraged when I am struggling to use or understand how to use something. This makes me move back to the older styles of teaching that I am more comfortable with.

I believe that as I move forward I will find myself challenged with understanding and using new educational technology. I think I will find myself resorting back to using the pieces of technology that I have more experience with instead of working through to expand my knowledge. I really want to learn more about educational technology so I can help a larger number of students become engaged so I need to push my frustrations and anxious mentality aside so I can focus on improving and learning.

Some resources I think might help me in the process of learning are:

District Support Staff– My district has an information technology services department that are available whenever we need help. Utilizing their expertise when I am struggling or having trouble understanding is a place to start. In fact, they offer many webinars and information sessions throughout the year that they encourage all staff to attend.

Professional Development Services– There are numerous pro d days that come in the year for teachers. Normally I attend a Phys Ed one and pick up small pieces of learning that may or may not help me. I tend to find myself hearing the same things over and over again. Instead, I could attend an educational technologies conference to help me grow.

Co-Workers – I have many co-workers who utilize a number of different tech software’s and number of different educational technologies. When I need help, I could easily ask them if they could help me through the problem that I having. I believe this would be more for specific problems so I am taking away too much of their time.

Google / Youtube– I understand that this may not be the best place to find help and support. However, I do feel that I am well trained and equipped to search the internet and decipher what is good and what is bad. Youtube offers great videos to help you get started as well as learn the intricacies of everything. Their videos have helped me in the past and will probably help me in the future. Google has the same effect. With google you can search anything that you need help and it will guide you in the right direction.

1 Comment

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  1. Hi Matthew,
    I am completely with you when it comes to being anxious about trying something new. Once I have mastered a certain technology or platform, I want to stick with it forever!! I also feel that google and youtube are such an amazing resource for technology related inquiries. You really need a visual when it comes to understanding digital literacy and technology.
    Thanks for sharing!

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