EDDL Final Project – Technology Integration Activity Development


For my Technology Integration Activity Development Project, I created a Google Classroom.


Physical Education is very much a participation-based course. When moved away from the classroom, teachers lose the ability to evaluate and assess participation levels. Currently, senior level PE, Active Living, is a hybrid course which means that students are only in the class two times a week. During these in class sessions, I believe that it is more important to participate in games and activities so they begin to understand what games and activities they enjoy the most and will want to do in the future. In order to succeed at this, we must move all theory-based work and fitness-based activities moved to online and at home. The problem then becomes how we ensure that they are being active at home and doing the work? How can we hold them accountable for the work? Also, how do we make easy enough for them to access all information so it is not too much work overall?

Using a Google Classroom will allow me to post information and assignments for the students to complete when they are not with me in class. The Google Classroom allows students to see all information and assignments. It allows them to complete and submit assignments on there and gives them notifications on what deadlines and due dates. By doing this I can maximize the account of activities in class because we are covering all the other curriculum competencies online or at home.

What is Included in My Classroom

In my classroom, students will find Course Material and Assignments. In the assignments is my Technology Integration Activity. My plan will be to add a new assignment each week for them to submit their screen shots each week.

Each assignment a quick video outlining how to submit the assignments just in case are confused.

For All of You

Please join my Google Classroom and take a look around at what I have done. You will have to use a gmail account in order to join. No other emails will work. The code is: 6odx4es

When I put this out to my students, they have all be given a Google Account from our school district. This helps with ensuring that all students have an email account that will have accessibility to the classroom.

Finally, I’ve attached a quick here for you all to view to see what the classroom looks like.

I hope you enjoy.



BC’s New Curriculum. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/physical-health-education/core/goals-and-rationale

Google Maps Image. [Image]. (n.d). Retrieved from https://www.mytechguys.ca/download-google-maps-or-how-to-travel-without-an-internet-connection/

Run With J. (2020, April 22). STRAVA 101. A beginner’s guide to using STRAVA[Video]. Youtude. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHtCxdrZFJ8&t=23s

STRAVA Inc. (2009). STRAVA (14.0.0) [Mobile application software]. Retrieved from App Store.

STRAVA Icon. [Image]. (n.d). Retrieved from https://worldvectorlogo.com/logo/strava-2

STRAVA. Run and Cycling Tracking on the Social Network for Athletes. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.strava.com/features


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  1. Hi Matt,

    I like the format of your Google classroom and I’m jealous that you can put a screen in screen in your project. It’s well laid out and easy to follow – great for parents who are not tech savvy and students who may struggle with online navigation. One small things was that you said the code was 6 zero… but it’s actually the small letter o.

    It’s really good and tells me exactly what is expected as a student.


  2. I don’t have a google email so I’ve only just watched your video explanation instead of poking around your website, but I must say I am hugely impressed at the breadth and thoroughness of your final project here! The layout is very simple and straightforward as well. Mostly, I appreciate how current and relevant your technology activity is and how you’ve developed a solution that is really going to work well for you and your students, I think. Best of luck to you, Matt!

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